B”H it was a really uplifting day with a special environment  felt throughout. There was a grand school wide Farbrengen from Recepion Class  – Kitta 6, where the boys sung ניגונים heard about the importance of the day, with a great Rebbe story. There was also the school-wide raffle for the boys who took part in the הכנה programme. A list of החלטות that boys took on were displayed, and a special focus was made on the importance of אהבת ישראל. After break, boys from כיתה ג-ו' had special sessions in different classes where they learnt משניות, the מאמר באתי לגני, had a video presentation on the בינוני ניגון  and heard the story of י' שבט. Boys all wrote a פ''נ and then in the afternoon came the finale with the Tzivos Hashem Rally. This was a great way to finish of such a special day. his page is awaiting content